Work with Me

✦✧ Getting down to business – all the nitty gritty details about working together

✧ What I Offer ✧

There are three ways you can work with me ↓ 

✦ Long-Term Life  Coaching ✦

This is the deepest way we can work together. Building a relationship over multiple sessions will help establish more trust, and we will be able to cover more topics. This is where the magic really happens. You will start to see noticeable shifts in your life that will both surprise and amaze you. Are you ready for your life to start to unfold in the best and most magical ways? 

We will meet weekly for 3 months. In between sessions, I am available via text and email to support you on your journey. You will receive an email after each session with a recap and resources. 

Each session is 60 minutes long (12 sessions total)

✦ Intuitive Guidance Session ✦

This is a one-time session focused on connecting you to your own inner knowing. Each session will begin with a conversation about where you’re feeling stuck and any questions you have for your Inner Voice. Then I will guide you inward and you will speak as your Inner Voice for the remainder of the session. You have the option to receive a recording or notes after so that you can focus on being present and revisit your session anytime after. You are welcome to book this type of session whenever you feel that nudge from your inner knowing.

Each session is 50 minutes long, and the investment is $250.

✦ Deep Dive ✦

This is a one-time session where we get to dive deep into an area of your life where you feel stuck. If you’re new to coaching, this is a great place to start. We will start the session with a check-in to see where you’re at and hold space for anything that comes up. From there we will move intuitively into whatever feels right for you. Expect to leave feeling lighter with more clarity and presence. 

Each session is 75 minutes long, and the investment is $375.

✦✧ Not sure where to start? ✧✦

Take my FREE Intuition Quiz to learn more about your unique gifts. ↓

Find more resources about coaching on my blog ✦✧→